Many organisations are asked to provide an environmental plan for their business, outlining the steps they are taking to reduce their carbon footprint. By making a washing machine eco friendly, laundromats and other commercial businesses can ensure their enterprise is more sustainable. Here’s how the implementation of OTEK systems gives organisations a head start when writing their green business plan.
Reduced Eco Coin Laundry Operating Costs
Many successful green business plans for laundries feature an eco wash coin laundry that reduces operating costs and energy consumption. With Ozone Technologies’ washing machine eco friendly solutions, businesses can see an up to 50% decrease in laundry operating costs. With faster wash and dry cycles, efficient eco coin laundry goes a long way in cutting costs and making businesses more sustainable.
Eco Wash Coin Laundry Operations Use Less Energy
Implementing OTEK eco coin laundry ticks many boxes on a green business plan, most notably 90% less energy used and 40% less water. Instead of relying on hot water, OTEK uses cleaner and colder water to dramatically cut down on washing and drying cycle times. There are fewer maintenance requests for unused heating components, too.
Longer Linen Life
While energy and water savings are a significant part of a green business plan, it’s also important to focus on sustainability and making resources last for longer. OTEK increases linen life by up to 300%, allowing commercial clients across numerous industries to get more use out of their linens. Plus, this commercial laundry system has proven to be highly effective and eco-friendly as the ozone reverts back to oxygen with each cycle.
100% Green Chemicals
When developing a green business plan, it is also important to consider chemical use and any opportunities to switch from harsh chemicals to gentler alternatives. With an OTEK ozone laundry system, you can demonstrate your sustainable business practices because ozone is a naturally-occurring element. The OTEK system generates ozone through ultraviolet light, just like in nature, thus minimising the environmental impact of the machine and your business.
Make Your Washing Machine Eco Friendly
Book a free demonstration with Ozone Technologies to explore eco wash coin laundry in Australia.