A green business plan prepares Australian companies both large and small for a brighter, more sustainable future. Often, funding and government support are based on sustainable business practices, so businesses must be seen as environmentally conscious as possible. That’s where Ozone Technologies and our cutting-edge OTEK systems come into play. Compared to other machines, these sustainable laundry systems produce cleaner wastewater for a beneficial impact on the environment. Let’s take a look at the benefits of cleaner wastewater from your washing machine.
Less Pollution
One of the key environmental benefits of cold water laundry is that cleaner wastewater means less pollution, which is incredibly valuable in a world so heavily impacted by pollutants. Wastewater from OTEK laundry systems contains more oxygen to support microorganisms as they break down harmful pollutants. That’s because any unused ozone dissolves in the water or reverts to oxygen just like in nature.
Fewer Costs
The financial benefits of ozone laundry and cleaner wastewater are pretty attractive, too. There is less water from fewer rinses, and with shorter cycles comes lower costs. In other words, you’re spending less to do the same amount of laundry with a smaller impact on the environment. It’s a win-win!
Minimal Chemicals
The wastewater from OTEK laundry systems’ cold water sustainable programs is cleaner, due to less chemicals being used when compared to traditional hot water programs. Less chemicals in the wastewater means they are easier to break down. Ozone is produced on site, therefore there are fewer safety problems when it comes to shipping and handling. There is also less carbon, as the system does not have to be transported by vehicle. With less handling and storage for chemicals, ozone laundry truly is a smarter, more sustainable choice.
Reduced Energy Use
Finally, cleaner wastewater is easier to manage and a direct result of sustainable laundry operations. An up to 90% reduction in energy use and up to 40% reduction in dryer gas use demonstrates the efficiency of OTEK machines in handling large loads of laundry without high energy consumption or wastewater full of harmful chemicals.
Make Your Business More Sustainable with OTEK Laundry System
With cleaner wastewater and impressive cost savings, the OTEK laundry system is a worthwhile investment for businesses across Australia. Book a free demonstration with Ozone Technologies to learn more.