If you’re looking for ways to make your on-premises and commercial operations more sustainable, ozone laundry is worth looking into. That’s because the carbon footprint of normal hot water wash programs is much greater compared to OTEK’s cold water sustainable programs from Ozone Technologies. Here are four exciting ways in which OTEK machines help Australian businesses protect the environment and reduce their carbon footprint for a more sustainable future.
Smaller Carbon Footprint With Ozone Clean
One of the most valuable takeaways from the successful installation of ozone in the laundry process is the dramatic reduction in the carbon footprint. OTEK cold water sustainable programs cut utility consumption by more than half in many cases, leading to impressive environmental benefits and lower costs, too. If you want to use less electricity and make a smaller impact on the world around you, then ozone is the smart choice.
Less Energy Needed For Ozone Wash
When you install OTEK programs, less energy is required for each cycle because cold water washing is used instead of thermal washing. By removing hot temperatures, you instantly save 90% of the washing machine’s electricity requirements. That’s not to mention drying time reductions of 10-20 minutes for 40% less dryer gas usage. Plus, you can keep machine maintenance to a minimum by not having heating elements to repair or replace.
Ozone Reduces Water Consumption
OTEK’s cold water sustainable programs use less water as certain conventional steps are removed, leading to considerable water reductions of up to 40%. This is your opportunity to conserve a precious resource whilst achieving a high-quality wash and dry every time. You can get used to sanitary and soft linens with cutting-edge ozone laundry technology.
Long-Lasting Linen in Ozone Systems
The environmental benefits of ozone wash also include the longevity of linens. With OTEK, linen lasts longer, so is less likely to be thrown away. This is a great advantage for hotels, hospitals, schools, and correctional facilities that go through linen regularly and need a premium, eco-friendly laundry solution that’s both budget-friendly and better for the environment.
Invest in Ozone Technology
Ready to reap the benefits of ozone in Australia? Book your OTEK ozone wash demonstration with Ozone Technologies to get started today.